The fresh seafood of chiku s seafood street is a delight to gourmet palates . the popular an ke seafood restaurant 372 , tacheng village , is the oldest eatery on the street 七股海产街上的海鲜是老饕们的最爱,尤以位于大埕村372号的创始店安哥海产店,广受好评。
Of principle interest among the various cultural practices is dance and the visitor to diqing will have a chance to witness the dignified zhongdian guozhuang dance , the primitive and unrestrained deqin xuanzi dance , and the lively tacheng reba dance . after watching the spirit - lifting dances of the various ethnic groups many visitors find 迪庆的民族文化灿烂绚丽:歌舞之乡弥漫着古朴凝重的中甸锅庄、刚柔相济的尼西情舞、潇洒飘逸的德钦弦子、豪放的塔城热巴,身临歌舞海洋,让人心驰神往,乐不思乡。
Tacheng (Qoqek) or Ch?chek is a county-level city (1994 est. pop.