There was every kind of table, from fantasy to tableaux of new england history . 各种各样的故事,从幻想到新英格兰的历史场面,无所不有。
He developed less a coherent analysis than a series of brilliant tableaux . 与其说他作了一个前后连贯的分析,倒不如说他描绘了一系列出色的场景。
Two years later when chou had withdrawn from government because of illness, i encountered the same tableau in soochow . 两年后,那时周因病不再主持政府工作,我在苏州又碰到同样的情景。
Paradoxical logic and tableau calculus 悖论逻辑及其表演算
Marx ' s tableau economique and establishment of theory of social reproduction 马克思的经济表与社会再生产理论的创立
In a tableau , she once represented " poland breaking her chains . 但在一次舞台造型中,她扮演“挣脱了锁链的波兰” 。
Tableau , matrix - algebra 矩阵代数图表
Matrix algebra tableau 矩阵代数描像
Tableau , matrix - algebra 矩阵代数图表
The tableau vivant remained set among the squashed bluebells , nobody proffering a word 好一幅活画图摆在那些压倒的圆叶风铃草丛中。