They found a place wherein to pitch their tabernacle and pursue their fortune . 他们找到了一个可扎营并开拓财富的地方。
If the king and the archprelate have their will, we shall briefly behold a cross on the spire of this tabernacle which we have built . 如果让国王和主教得逞,那么不用多久,就会在我们自己建造的礼拜堂尖顶上出现一个十字架。
They made a small tabernacle at the foot of the hill 他们在山脚下架起了个小帐篷。
Jn . 7 : 2 now the jews'feast of tabernacles was near 约七2当时犹太人的住棚节近了。
They make a small tabernacle at the foot of the hill 他们在山脚下架起了个小帐篷。
With that 10, 000 l could build a tabernacle 用那1万块钱,我可以建一个礼拜堂
Now the jews'feast of tabernacles was at hand 2当时犹太人的住棚节近了。
They made upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle 他用6皂荚木作帐幕的7竖板。
Now the jews'feast of tabernacles was near 2当时犹太人的住棚节近了。
[niv ] they made upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle 他用6皂荚木作帐幕的7竖板。