Perhaps this subdivision does not meet completely the point of view of scientifically exact systematics . 这样的分类方法也许并不完全是科学上的严密的分类方法。
Research techniques and advances on tick systematics and taxonomy 蜱类系统分类学研究技术与进展
Phylogenetic utilites of mitochondrial dna sequences in the study of insect systematics 序列特点与昆虫系统学研究
An attempt to use rrna secondary structure characters in fungal systematics 二级结构序列用于真菌系统学研究的方法初探
Preliminary study on molecular systematics of bamboo by ssr primers derived from rice 用水稻微卫星引物进行竹子分子系统学研究初探
Application of molecular markers to the studies on the systematics and classification of ciliated protozoa 分子标记在纤毛虫原生动物系统学研究中的应用
Covers biology as a whole and focuses on the study of diversity - in evolution , ecology and systematics -学会简介并含认识珊瑚礁活动花絮生态图片及会务报导
The emphasis of the study are their basis , creativity and systematics as well as quality management engineering 研究的侧重点是它们的基础性、创新性和系统性,兼顾质量管理工程。
Application of genetic marker technique to the study of systematics , biodiversity and phylogenetics for marine copepods 遗传标记技术在海洋桡足类生物多样性和系统发生研究中的应用
Her review of 866 scientific studies is summed up in the journal annual review of ecology , evolution and systematics 他的评论来自于对866份来自与生态学,进化学和分类学各年的期刊的研究。