Chinese question answering system - oriented chinese parsing 面向中文问答系统的问句句法分析
Selecting those columns that contain the details of interest , from many tables with much system - oriented detail 从很多包含大量针对系统的详细信息的表中,选择那些包含所需详细信息的列。
Then by means of analyzing the weakness of the existing simulation system , a concept of a manufacturing system - oriented simulation platform is put forward 其后通过分析现存的仿真系统缺点,提出了面向制造系统的仿真平台的设想。
Here , we provide a systems - oriented approach to interpreting the function of the dopamine system , its modulation of limbic - cortical interactions and how disruptions within this system might underlie the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and drug abuse 我们提供了一种系统的方法解释说明多巴胺功能系统,它与边缘叶皮质系统调制的交互作用,以及这一系统的破坏是如何引起精神分裂症和吸毒成瘾患者病理生理学改变的。
Through analyzing several current - prevailing geography information types and gis data formats , this paper proposes a both user - oriented and multi - resource - heterogeneous - information - system - oriented scheme that describes the urban space semantic information entity based on ontology . moreover , ontology - based topology and semantic relationship of the urban space entity are provided . this paper also presents a synthetic query model of ontology - driven space information and a methodology of semantic integration 本文在分析了国内外流行的gis系统的地理信息类型和数据格式的基础上,提出基于本体论的,面向用户应用、面向多源异构信息系统的城市空间语义信息实体的描述方法,提出基于本体的城市空间实体拓扑关系及语义关系,确立了本体驱动的空间信息的综合查询模型,以及语义信息集成方法。
These simple schemes give users a chance to understand whether a product is installed or not , how to uninstall it , and how to back it up . that preference for simple file system - oriented installations inspires a corresponding affection for my favorite deployment technologies : commercial installers , self - unpacking binary bundles , " scripted documents , " and " virtual file systems " 采用简单的面向文件系统的安装这种倾向的存在使得我最欣赏的部署技术商业安装程序( commercial installer ) 、自解包二进制随附软件、 “脚本化文档( scripted document ) ”以及“虚拟文件系统( virtual file system ( vfs ) ) ”自然也会得到一点偏爱。
It is suggested in this section that the aim of the pattern be entirety - and - system - oriented while breakthrough is emphasized , the content of the pattern integration - oriented while the subjects are selected extensively , the teaching process both - party - oriented while the students " self construction is stressed , the management of the class moderation - oriented while proper control is exercised , the assessment multiplicity - oriented while the importance is laid on the development of student 主持人型教学的基本理念是:在目标取向上秉持整体系统、重点突破;在课程内容上追求精选整合、立体交叉;在教学过程上注重主体参与、自主建构;在课堂管理方面要求适度控制、优化管理;在教学评价中突出发展,实施多元评价。
Law regulating the use of the system design , database design system overall logic model for customer information reasonable and effective utilization ; use comprehensive design methodology for system - oriented companies of the operational functions to meet the needs of management of the real benefits to the company 该系统采用规范设计法,设计出系统数据库的全局逻辑模型,使客户的信息得到合理和有效的利用;使用全面的设计方法,使系统的功能面向公司各项业务工作,满足管理的需要,真正给公司带来效益。
During the process of developing distributed information system , we raise a new information system - oriented component model and component design methodology , which are analyzed with formal description . component coordination problem of information system is also discussed and simulated with petri net 文中在研究基于corba构件的分布式信息系统开发过程中,讨论了一种面向信息系统的构件模型和构件分析设计方法,给出了构件分析设计原则及其形式化描述,探讨了信息系统中分布式构件计算的协调问题,并使用petri网对协调问题进行了模拟。