"i wish you weren't so insular, darling," said mrs. sutcliffe . “亲爱的,我希望你不要抱这种与世隔绝的思想,”苏克利夫夫人说。
Sutcliffe died of a brain hemorrhage the following year 举行的时间是1957年7月6日。
Bret sutcliffe , press and public affairs section , british embassy beijing 英国驻北京大使馆新闻处:苏白瑞先生bret sutcliffe
" i wish you weren ' t so insular , darling , " said mrs . sutcliffe “亲爱的,我希望你不要抱这种与世隔绝的思想, ”苏克利夫夫人说。
Bret sutcliffe , press and public affairs , british embassy 新闻垂询英国驻华大使馆新闻和公共事务处:苏白瑞先生( bret sutcliffe )
The image of sufen follows the traditional chinese conception of a virtuous wife and good mother . as brett sutcliffe writes in his essay 现在笔者尝试以比较理智的方法分析一下固中问题,并欢迎各界人士指教。
Charles sutcliffe , when the matter was reported to him , was astounded ; how had a chief superintendent amassed so much money 薛畿辅处长于听取这件事的报告时,大吃一惊;一名总警司如何积聚了这么多的金钱?
The development of an atypical hirnantia - brachiopod fauna and the onset of glaciation in the late ordovician of gondwana / owen e . sutcliffe . . . [ et al . ] 冈瓦纳古陆晚奥陶统一个典型的赫南特贝属-腕足动物群的发育和冰川作用的开始
But when charles sutcliffe confronted him in june 1973 , with proof of his hidden fortune , godber fainted . it was a sensational interlude , and one with sweeping ramifications 但当薛畿辅处长于一九七三年六月面对葛柏,并提出葛柏秘密财产的证据时,葛柏晕倒了。