suppose vt. 1.设想,推测;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to do to be)。 2.假定〔证题时用语,和 given, provided 通用〕。 3.意味着;必须先假定,以…为必需条件。 4.〔现在分词或祈使语气〕如果…好不好。 5.〔口语〕如果(=if)。 I suppose you are right. 我想你说得对。 I should suppose him to be about fifty. 我可也猜他是五十岁左右。 Supposing [Suppose] you miss your tiger, he is not likely to miss you. 你如果打不着老虎,老虎不见得吃不着你。 Purpose supposes foresight. 目的就意味着预见。 S- we try. 去试试吧。 S- we go to bed. 咱们去睡吧。 be supposed to (do) 1. …(在职务上)要,应该(You are supposed to be here at eight every day. 你应该每天八点钟到这里)。 2. 〔用于否定句〕〔口语〕不许,不准 (You're not supposed to smoke here. 不许你在这儿吸烟)。 vi. 推测,料想。 I suppose so. 我想是的。
This idea rooted in the supposal that combustion pressure is a pulse force and the characters that wavform parameters are sensitive to pulse 这思路来源于将柴油机作功冲程的爆发力近似看成一个脉冲激励的假设,以及波形参数对脉冲激励敏感的特点。
To embody the above supposals , prove them by means of mathematical model , replay the historical trace of the formation of financial market and reveal the mechanism of financial market to expedite economic development - these are the cores of this arti cle 本文的重心,就在于将以上猜想具体化,以数学模型的形式证实上述猜想并重现金融市场形成的历史轨迹,揭示其推动经济发展的作用机理。
the cognitive process of supposing 同义词:supposition,
a hypothesis that is taken for granted; "any society is built upon certain assumptions" 同义词:assumption, supposition,