He kept the farms under his immediate supervision . 他将农场掌控在直接监控之下。
They worked under rigorous conditions and the closest supervision . 他们的工作条件苛刻而且要受最严密的监视。
The old man 's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer . 老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自监督下执行的。
It brought the west coast of sumatra practically under dutch supervision . 它已使苏门答腊的西海岸实际上置于荷兰人管辖之下。
The whole apparatus is usually located in one room so as to facilitate supervision of the operation . 全套设备通常设置在一个工房中,以便操作管理。
He built his own hideaway where he could entertain his friends without his mother's supervision . 他兴建了自己的隐居之地,他可以在那招待自己的朋友,而免受母亲的监视。
Good field supervision by the design engineer is necessary to ensure the proper execution of a good design . 需要设计工程师在现场进行认真的施工监督以保证良好设计的正确执行。
The detection of anticipated and unanticipated effects is the responsibility of the physician during his supervision of a therapeutic regimen . 医师的责任是在督察治疗方案的过程中去发现预期的和未预料到的效应。
On the nature and limit of inner - party supervision 关于党内监督的实质和限度问题
supervisionとは意味:supervision n. 管理, 監視, 監督. 【動詞+】 ◆What body carries out supervision of compliance of the regulations? その規則の遵守(じゅんしゅ)の監督を行なうのはどこの団体ですか ◆exercise (a) close supervision over… …を厳重に監督する ◆Police have super...