substantiatable substantiatable ; adj. ; substantiate的变形 ; substantiate ; [s?b'st?n?ieit] ; vt. ; 证明,证实: ; to substantiate a scientific hypothesis ; 证实科学上的一个假设 ; The facts substantiated your statement. ; 事实证明你说的是有根据的 ; 使具体化,使实体化;实现: ; to substantiate an idea through action ; 在实践中实现某个想法 ; 充实,加强;使有实质内容: ; to substantiate the cooperation between the two parties ; 加强双方的合作 ; 变形: ; vt. ; substantiated ; . substantiating
His claims for a pension had not been substantiated . 他对养老金的要求没有实现。
Field experience did not usually substantiate the claims . 实际经验通常都不能使这些看法具体化。
Attempts to substantiate the presence of the intermediate have not yet been fruitful . 有人试图证明中间体的存在,但尚未成功。
The theory of atoms was substantiated to a large extent by experiments in chemistry . 原子的理论在很大程度上是由化学实验来证实的。
More data is needed to substantiate the effectiveness of adsorption on sludge as a removal process . 需要更多的资料来论证污泥吸附作为去除方法的效能。
But more data is needed to substantiate the effectiveness of absorption on sludge as a removal process . 但需要更多的资料来论证污泥吸附作为一种去除方法的效能。
The history of the peach as a garden crop in china far antedates any claim that can be substantiated for other geographic areas . 在中国,桃作为一园艺树种,其历史远比任何其它已知的地区都早。
In the final analysis they are based on the opinions of research test pilots, substantiated by careful instrumentation . 归根结蒂,这些是根据研究试飞员的意见提出来的,而由精细的测试设备来加以验证。
Can you substantiate your claim in a court of law 你能在法庭上证实你的声称吗
Can you substantiate your claim in a court of law 你能证实在法庭上的陈述吗?