Airway remodelling refers to changes in the airway structure and includes subepithelial fibrosis , increased smooth muscle mass , submucosal gland enlargement , neovascularisation and epithelial alterations 气道重构指气道结构的改变,包括:上皮下纤维化,平滑肌增厚,粘膜下腺体肥大,新生血管形成和上皮的变化。
By electron microscopy , the electron dense immune deposits of post - streptococcal glomerulonephritis are predominantly subepithelial , as seen here with a large subepithelial " hump " at the right of the basement membrane ( bm ) 电镜下,链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎的电子致密的免疫沉积物主要位于脏层上皮下,图示基底膜右侧一个大的脏层上皮下驼峰状沉积物。
There are many options for the correction of refractive errors today and these include the use of the excimer laser platform - like photorefractive keratectomy ( prk ) , laser in situ keratomileusis ( lasik ) , laser subepithelial keratomileusis ( lasek ) , and epilasik ; and those that require the placement of an intraocular lens inside the eye . each procedure , however , has pros and cons and the best procedure for a patient is ideally decided after a detailed examination of the eye by the surgeon 时至今日,用以矫正屈光不正的方法有很多种,包括:准分子激光技术例如激光屈光角膜切除术( photorefractivekeratectomy - prk ) 、角膜激光矫视手术( laserinsitukeratomileusis - lasik ) 、角膜上皮切割激光矫视手术( lasersubepithelialkeratomileusis - lasek ) 、 epilasik及人工晶体植入等等。每种手术皆有其利弊,病人宜先接受详细眼科检查,再由医生建议合适的手术。