His strident voice rang through the house . 他那刺耳的嗓音响彻整个房子。
There was nothing earth-shattering, no strident revelation . 讲的内容既没有惊天动地的消息,也没有故作惊人之语。
To this small but increasingly strident group a victory for hanoi was not regrettable . 这些激进分子人数虽少,但越来越尖刻,对他们来说,河内的胜利并非憾事。
The more i listened to it , the louder and more strident it became 我越听越觉得噪音喧响,越发的刺耳难听。
A : the siren is really strident 警笛声好尖锐啊。
The siren is really strident 警笛声好尖锐啊。
The news organization ' s coverage of china , however , is strident and critical 新闻也包括来自中国的事情,但都是聒噪刺耳的批评。
Why have the chinese shifted from strident opposition to muted acquiescence 为什么中国突然转变了态度,变得沉默或者说使默许了呢?
However , the talks do indicate the value of activism by hedge funds or any other strident investor 然而,这场谈判确实印证了对冲基金或其他怨愤的投资人积极采取行动的价值。
The toughest obstacle to improving the worst is the strident opposition of the teachers ' unions to meritocracy 目前,影响这些差学校改进的最大障碍来自全美教师工会对精英教育喋喋不休的抗议声。
being sharply insistent on being heard; "strident demands"; "shrill criticism" 同义词:shrill,
of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f'', `s'', `z'', or `th'' in both `thin'' and `then'') 同义词:fricative, continuant, sibilant, spirant,
conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry; "blatant radios"; "a clamorous uproar"; "strident demands"; "a vociferous mob" 同义词:blatant, clamant, clamorous, vociferous,
Strident may refer to
stridentとは意味:{形} : 執拗{しつよう}な、耳障り{みみざわり}な、きしる、甲高い{かんだかい}、大げさな、どぎつい Their strident protests were quelled by the police. 彼らの執拗な抗議は、警察によって鎮圧された。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------...