It is less clear how the death of striatal neurons causes the disorder ' s psychological symptoms 至于纹状体神经元的死亡怎麽会产生心理上的症状,则不那麽清楚。
But the mouse studies cannot explain why striatal neurons are targeted preferentially in huntington ' s 不过,小鼠的研究并不能解释:为什麽纹状体的神经元会特别受到杭丁顿氏症的影响?
Exercise also decreased striatal da transporter and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in mptp - lesioned mice 运动也可以减少纹状体多巴胺转运体,还能抑制酪氨酸羟化酶的免疫反应性。
The effect of naloxone on fentanyl - induced changes in striatal ascorbic acid uric acid dopamine and its metabolic release in rats 纳洛酮对芬太尼引起的大鼠纹状体抗坏血酸尿酸多巴胺及其代谢产物释放的影响
In mptp - lesioned mice , exercise increased eoked esicular da release in striatal slices , particularly in dorsal striatum 我们推测:运动可以诱发mptp缺陷型小鼠体内纹状体特别是背侧纹状体的多巴胺囊泡释放。
In mptp - lesioned mice , exercise increased evoked vesicular da release in striatal slices , particularly in dorsal striatum 我们推测:运动可以诱发mptp缺陷型小鼠体内纹状体特别是背侧纹状体的多巴胺囊泡释放。
Influence of inhibitory nervous system syndrome model of big mouse taken with drug no . 1 of aorus gramineus and albizia bark on striatal monoamine nervous neurotransmitter 菖欢1号对大鼠抑郁性神经症模型纹状体单胺类神经递质的影响
The long arms of these striatal cells are covered with between 10 , 000 and 30 , 000 spines , each of which gathers information from a different neuron in another locale 这些纹状体细胞伸出的长臂上布满了一到三万个的神经棘,每一个都收集来自另一处不同神经元的讯息。
Although there was no difference in striatal dopamine ( da ) leels between exercised and nonexercised mptp - lesioned mice , exercise increased striatal da leels in control mice 纹状体多巴胺水平在处理后和未处理的mptp缺陷型小鼠中没有显著性差异,但是对照组水平在处理后提高了。
Although there was no difference in striatal dopamine ( da ) levels between exercised and nonexercised mptp - lesioned mice , exercise increased striatal da levels in control mice 纹状体多巴胺水平在处理后和未处理的mptp缺陷型小鼠中没有显著性差异,但是对照组水平在处理后提高了。