This would be an example of a stratified sample . 这就是一个典型抽样的例子。
Feudal society was rigidly stratified . 封建社会等级森严。
Only dielectric stratified media will be treated in this section . 这一节将只讨论介质分层媒质。
When the winds are light, the air in a valley becomes stagnant and stratified . 当微风时,谷地的空气就会停滞和层化。
In practice, seeds should not be stored dry but stratified on removal from the fruit . 实践上,种子不需要干藏而是采种后即层积。
Two features of folds in stratified rocks that contain strut members invite special attention . 包含在承压岩层内的成层岩石中的褶皱,有两个特点引人特别注意。
L values differ for long and short trips and for this reason trips have to be stratified by trip cost . L值随行程的长短而异,因此,必须把行程用行程费用来划分。
They do, however, grade into sorted and stratified sediments where higher water content has produced conditions transitional to turbid stream flow . 然而,在泥沙含量较大逐渐形成浑蚀流的地方它们也可变为分选和有层理的沉积物。
Table 1 . overall and stratified incident rates 表一:整体及以诊断分层之走失率