Next week we shall be closed for stocktaking . 下星期我们暂停营业盘点存货。
Methods of stocktaking vary according to the kind of stock records in use . 盘点的方法根据使用的库存纪录的种类不同而异。
They had recently installed their lightpen system in a supermarket for stocktaking purpose . 他们最近在超级市场安装了用于盘点库存的光笔系统。
Departmental stocktaking - schedule of discrepancies gf 241 部门盘点差异表
Departmental stocktaking report gf 237 部门盘点报告
Stocktaking on day care and community - based services ( pdf file , 46 kb ) 日间照顾和社区为本服务( pdf文件, 141kb )
Stocktaking on education for students with special educational needs ( pdf file , 54 kb ) 为有特殊教育需要学童提供的教育服务( pdf文件, 148kb )
Stocktaking on services for self - help organisations under social welfare department ( pdf file , 38 kb ) 社会福利署辖下的自助团体( pdf文件, 34kb )
Statements of trading stock held by the person at the end of the accounting period and all records of stocktakings from which any such statement of trading stock has been prepared 该人于年结当日所持的营业存货的陈述书,以及清点存货的一切纪录,而有关的营业存货陈述书乃根据该等纪录而编制的;
This guideline incorporates , and hence supersedes , the guideline issued by the monetary authority in july 1993 on the prevention of criminal use of the banking system for the purposes of money laundering . this guideline has been updated to take account of the enactment of the organized and serious crimes ordinance , the subsequent amendments to the money laundering provisions in that ordinance and the drug trafficking recovery of proceeds ordinance , the stocktaking review of the anti - money laundering measures undertaken by the financial action task force and the uk money laundering guidance notes for banks and building societies 此外,本指引已作出修订,内容涵盖政府颁布的有组织及严重罪行条例该条例及贩毒追讨得益条例中有关洗钱活动的条文最新修订打击清洗黑钱财务行动特别组织特别组织对打击清洗黑钱活动措施的全面检讨结果,以及英国就银行及建屋互助会发出的打击清洗黑钱活动指引。
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand; "an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing"; "they held an inventory every month" 同义词:inventory, inventorying, stock-taking,
reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook 同义词:stock-taking,
stocktakingとは意味:stocktaking n. 在庫調べ; (将来に備えての)自己評価. 【動詞+】 ◆do a stocktaking 在庫調べをする; 自己評価をする We closed the store to do the annual stocktaking. 年一度の在庫調べをするため店を閉じた The authorities must do a major stocktaking in the l...