stoat gobblers A verbose, opinionated bull-shit artist. ; > Like most politicians the mayor was a stoat gobbler. ;
I've been getting a rise out of the stoats . 我一直在挑逗黄鼠狼。
I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat . 我要钻进你的地洞里去,象赶一只老鼬鼠一般把你赶出来。
Just cut along outside and look after those stoat-sentries of yours, and see what they're doing 劳你抄近道出去,瞧瞧那些白鼬守卫,看他们都在干什么;我估摸,由于你的功劳。
There are 31 species of which the irish stoat and the irish hare are of particular interest 爱尔兰共有31个品种的哺乳动物,其中的爱尔兰白鼬和爱尔兰野兔是在本土发展起来的最有趣的动物。
Tuatara once ranged throughout new zealand before rats, cats, and stoats ? introduced by human colonizers ? wiped them out 据殖民者们介绍说,大蜥蜴以前遍布新西兰,直到老鼠、野猫和白鼬把它们挤掉。
Do you mean to tell me, ’ shouted the rat, thumping with his little fist upon the table, ‘ that you've heard nothing about the stoats and weasels “难道,”河鼠大声喊道、小拳头重重地敲着桌子,“你根本没听说过白鼬和黄鼠狼的事吗?”
The indignant toad swam to shore, while the stoats laughed and laughed, supporting each other, and laughed again, till they nearly had two fits ? that is, one fit each, of course 气忿的蟾蜍向岸边游去,两只白鼬哈哈大笑,笑得抱成一团,跟着又放声大笑,笑得几乎晕过去两次??当然是一只白鼬一次。
It was a doom, that was . and she was a doomed woman . this last time, i d have shot her like i shoot a stoat, if i d but been allowed : a raving, doomed thing in the shape of a woman 我开始想去爱她但是她总给我钉子碰,不,不要谈论空虚了吧,那是之动运,而她是常识,最近这些日子里,假如人家准我的话,我定把她这具有妇人形式的狂暴的东西象一头野兽似的宰了。