The evidence for recommended diagnostic tests for stillbirth are discussed 推荐对死胎进行诊断性检测的根据已经讨论过了。
An infected pregnant woman may transmit the virus to a foetus , leading to miscarriage and stillbirth 受感染孕妇可将病毒传染胎儿,导致流产和诞下死胎。
Considerable heterogeneity in risk factors between antepartum and intrapartum stillbirths is eident 非常明显,产前和产时死胎的危险因素存在相当大的不一致性。
Smoking in pregnancy may increase the chance of abortion , preterm delivery and even stillbirth 妇女在怀孕前及怀孕期间吸烟将提高患流产、早产甚至胎死腹中的机会。
Listeria monocytogenes infection can lead to premature delivery , miscarriage , stillbirth or neonatal mortality 李斯特菌感染可能会引致早产流产死胎或新生婴儿夭折等情况。
To examine disparities in risk factors for stillbirths and its occurrence in the antepartum ersus intrapartum periods 本研究是为了考察产前和产时死胎发生的危险因素的差异。
Who says environmental hazards can cause miss carriage ( miscarriage ) , stillbirth , low birth rate ( weight ) , and birth defects Who指出环境危害能引起流产,死产,出生重量低,和婴儿缺陷。
Conclusion chromosome abnormalities may be one of the important causes of abortion , stillbirth , monster and malformation 其中常染色体异常16例,性染色体异常3例,染色体形态异常7例,标记染色体3例。
The proportion of stillbirths that have a diagnostic explanation is higher in centers that conduct a defined and systematic evaluation 有诊断性解释的死胎的比例在开展确定的系统的评估的的中心比较高。
The presence of any congenital anomaly , abruption , and cord complications were associated with antepartum stillbirth in both races 任何先天性畸形、分裂、合并症是白人及非裔美国人发生产前死胎的危险因素。