Dr. stavely described the document as a "shameless piece of sales promotion" . 斯塔弗利医生把那份文件说成是“推动销售的厚颜无耻的东西了”。
Senator donahue welcomed the witness cordially, after which dr. stavely read a prepared statement . 参议员唐纳休和颜悦色地对证人表示欢迎,随后,斯塔弗利医生念了一份事先准备好的声明。
The basis of the stavely argument was a civil lawsuit which had been argued several months earlier in the courts of australia . 斯塔弗利的根据,是几个月前在澳大利亚法庭上出现的一次民事案件。
While celia disliked the statement's emphasis and some allusions, she conceded mentally that stavely sounded professional and impressive . 西莉亚尽管不喜欢声明强调的重点和一些暗示,但内心里还是承认斯塔弗利的话听起来很内行,也很能打动人心。
Dr . stavely described the document as a " shameless piece of sales promotion " 斯塔弗利医生把那份文件说成是“推动销售的厚颜无耻的东西了” 。