Nixon had great regard and affection for the staunchly pro-western king faisal . 尼克松对坚定亲西方的费萨尔国王怀有高度尊重和友好的感情。
The broad masseses of people and armymen fought staunchly with one heart and one mind to defeat the aggressors . 广大军民同心同德,坚决打败入侵者。
We will staunchly preserve the core values of our society 我们会坚决维护社会的核心价值。
I refused staunchly 我坚决拒绝。
Youth education crucial to clean society 04 03 community staunchly behind youth education drive 培育青年诚信廉政薪火相传0403
I stress again that we will continue to staunchly stand by the linked exchange rate system 我亦再次强调,我们将继续坚定不移的坚守联系汇率制度。
staunchly, the thin khaki line held firm . those early days in may 1967 were the start of a torrid, worrying summer 一个灼热、令人烦恼的炎夏随一九六七年的五月初来临。
It would not have been politically possible, until the 1990s, to deploy soldiers in foreign interventions : most germans were staunchly pacifist 多数德国人都坚定的主张和平主义,直到上世纪九十年代,派兵干涉海外事务方为可能。
Although werewolves don't defend these relations as staunchly as they did millennia ago, a wise garou keeps an eye on his kin 即使狼人们不再像漫漫数千年间那么样坚定地保护他们的亲属,一个明智的狼人还是会好好关照自己的血亲。