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用"stateliness"造句"stateliness"怎么读"stateliness" in a sentence"stateliness"的同义词


  • n.


  • She passed on with her aged stateliness , but often turning back her head and smiling at him , like one willing to recognise a secret intimacy of connection
  • It was as though in a momentary pause of conversation the invited guests had become suddenly aware that the count s mother , in all her glacial stateliness , had returned among them
  • Elizabeth s courage did not fail her . she had heard nothing of lady catherine that spoke her awful from any extraordinary talents or miraculous virtue , and the mere stateliness of money and rank she thought she could witness without trepidation
  • He forced himself not to break down as he remembered dumbledore ' s funeral , and the rows and rows of golden chairs , and the minister of magic in the front row , the recitation of dumbledore ' s achievements , the stateliness of the white marble tomb
    他逼着自己不要失去控制? ?因为他想起了邓不利多的葬礼:一排排金色的椅子,坐在前排的魔法部长,赞美邓布利多一生成就的颂诗,庄严的白色大理石墓。
  • A more reassuring introduction for a new governess could scarcely be conceived ; there was no grandeur to overwhelm , no stateliness to embarrass ; and then , as i entered , the old lady got up and promptly and kindly came forward to meet me
  • The ghost of beauty , the ghost of stateliness , the ghost of elegance , the ghost of pride , the ghost of frivolity , the ghost of wit , the ghost of youth , the ghost of age , all waiting their dismissal from the desolate shore , all turning on him eyes that were changed by the death they had died in coming there


  • impressiveness in scale or proportion
    同义词:majesty, loftiness,

  • an elaborate manner of doing something; "she served coffee with great stateliness"


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