Jean - luc picard asses cmand of the u . s . s . stargazer 毕凯负责指挥星舰凝星者号。
The stargazers had family here , too , but i do not think they knew that 我们选择的路不同,但是我们始终遵从着神圣的大道向前。
Stargazers : we could easily have been as the stargazers ? but we have a brother to stand beside 弟弟,你和我自己是我唯一可以信任的两个人。
Stargazers attached significance to these movements of the wandering stars ( i . e . the planets ) 占星师把重要意义放在这些漫游的行星的运动上(例如,行星) 。
Stargazers : too wise for us mere mortals . they ' re probably happier hanging out on their mountaintops 对于我们这样的凡人来说,他们太睿智了。也许当吊死在山颠的时候他们会更开心些。
The stargazers also observed comets with sparkling tails , and meteors or shooting stars apparently falling from the sky 古代的天文学家也观察那些拖着闪亮尾巴的彗星和从天而降的流星或陨落星体。
Stargazers around the world have watched the moon turn dark and then shades of red during the first lunar eclipse in three years 世界各地的天文学家观察到月亮变暗并且在三年内第一次发现红色阴影
Stargazers around the world have watched the moon turn dark and then shades of red during the first lunar eclipse in three years 在三年来的首次月食中,全球看星星的人都看到月亮变黑然后褪成红色。
Being granted the fine weather , many stargazers in hong kong observed the perseids successfully in predawn of 13th august 今年的8月13日凌晨,本港天朗气清,不少天文爱好者顺利观测到英仙座流星雨。
Stargazers around the world have watched the moon turn dark and then shades of red during the first lunar eclipse in three years 全世界的天文学家观察到,三年内的第一次月蚀月亮变暗后会出现红色阴影。
someone indifferent to the busy world; "in the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus-eaters who live in dreamy indolence" 同义词:lotus-eater,
The stargazers are a family Uranoscopidae of perciform fish that have eyes on top of their heads (hence the name). The family includes about 51 species (one extinct) in 8 genera, all marine and found worldwide in shallow waters.