If i were you, i'd take a moderate stance towards your brother's affairs . 要是我是你,我就会对你弟弟的事件采取温和的姿态。
If i were you , i 'd take a moderate stance towards your brother 's affairs . 要是我是你,我就会对你弟弟的事件采取温和的姿态。
Her stance was characteristic: hands in a small waist, elbows aggressively out . 她那副架式很独特:双手搭着细腰,胳膊肘寻衅似地向外叉出。
We could not reconsider our policy unless they indicated new flexibility in its negotiating stance . 要是他们在谈判中不表现出新的灵活姿态,我们也不重新考虑我们的立场。
In foreign policy, colby expected an end to invective against the united states and a mellowing of allende's third world stance . 在对外政策方面,科尔比估计会停止肆意攻击美国,并且会冲淡阿连德的第三世界立场。
So , stewart , what do you think about my stance 史都华,你觉得击球姿势怎么样?
Stance training is a series to train the will 意拳里的桩功是一种磨炼意志的功夫。
stanceとは意味:stance n. (物事に対する)態度; 姿勢. 【動詞+】 ◆adopt a resolute stance 断固とした立場を取る ◆assume a similar stance 同じような態度を取る ◆He modified his stance on the issue. 彼はその問題に関する態度を修正した ◆She shifted her stance and put a hand o...