

  • 源头,水源;车上的弹簧头。



  • 例句与用法
  • Springhead of dual economy - a perspective of labor division
  • What ’ s more , this thesis probe into the springhead of the problem of the state - owned commercial bank organizational structure
  • To some extent , it is one of the efficiency springhead of modern enterprises to make use of entrepreneurship ' s human capital
  • The tremendous heritage of traditional chinese medicine ( tcm ) is the springhead of the development and innovation of tcm
    几千年来前人给我们留下的丰厚中医药遗产,是我们今天发展中医药、拓展中医药的“源头活水” 。
  • Development ability is the springhead of enterprise extended development and future value , is the base of enterprise existence and the springhead of profit
  • The questions discussed in the thesis mainly are : what is the off - balance - sheet financing ; what are the backgrounds and the springhead that give birth to the off - balance - sheet financing ; what are the main forms of off - balance - sheet financing widely used today ; when making the off - balance - sheet financing decision , what are the factors that should be taken into consideration ; what are the interests conflicts caused by the off - balance - sheet financing among stockholders , managers , creditors and other interest - related somebody ; what are the influences that the off - balance - sheet financing have on the financial ratios ; and how the cost and risk factors influence the off - balance - sheet financing decision
  • This paper includes three parts in context : the first part is mainly about the analyses of the concept , essential , characteristics , principles , different models and their effectiveness of corporate governance , after the discussion on the springhead and the inevitability of the separation of modern enterprise ' s ownership and control from the narration of the origin of corporate governance issues . then the tendency of its development and succession is prospected . finally , an introduction and comment is presented about the corporate governance of alien state - owned enterprise
  • 百科解释
Springhead lies at the source of the River Ebbsfleet, just southwest of the Gravesend suburban conurbations. Springhead forms one of the major quarters of the Ebbsfleet Valley development, with housing and the associated facilities now under construction.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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