sophomore n. 1. 〔美国〕大学[中学]二年级学生。 2.第二年的工作人员。 3.自以为有学问而实际上幼稚浅薄的人。 -moric, -morical adj. 〔美国〕二年级学生(气派)的;幼稚而自大的。
Over half the students in the course are sophomores . 听这门课的一大半是二年级学生。
He is a sophomore . 他是一个大二学生。
Most of the senior boys are going steady with juniors and sophomores . 四年级的男生大都总是要同三年级和二年级的学生一起去的。
At 11 o'clock each morning thousands of freshmen and sophomores used to deploy over the campus . 每天早上十一点钟,数以千计的一、二年级学生在校园里各就各位。
He was listed on the faculty in his sophomore and junior years, as an instructor in greek and french . 他在二年级和三年级时,已被作为希腊语和法语教员列在教员名单上。
With his princeton friends advancing into the sophomore class, he yielded to his father's preference and shifted the next autumn to harvard . 当他的普林斯顿同学转入大学二年级时,他只好同意他父亲的选择,第二年秋天转学到哈佛。
Writing and writing exercise for freshman and sophomore 基础阶段的写作练习与写作课
We are freshmen and they are sophomores 我们是一年级学生,他们是二年级学生。
She ' s a sophomore ! what doyou expect from us 她是个二年级生!你想我们会吗
Hannah . so you ' re a sophomore , right ? - a junior 汉纳,你是大二的学生? -大三的学生