Occurrence and control of bacterial soft rot in phalaenopsis amabilis 蝴蝶兰细菌性软腐病的发生与防治
Studies on the pathogenicity and the isolation of pathogen from konnyaku s soft rot 魔芋软腐病病原菌的分离及致病性研究
Bacterial soft rot 细菌性软腐病
Wood preservatives . determination of the toxic values against chaetomium globosum kunze . soft rotting agent 木材防腐.抗毛壳软腐病有效剂量的测定
Pesticide - guidelines for the field efficacy trials - part 114 : bactericides against soft rot of chinese cabbage 农药田间药效试验准则二第114部分:杀菌剂防治大白菜软腐病
Wood preservatives . determination of the effectiveness against soft rotting micro - fungi and other soil inhabiting micro - organisms 木材防腐剂.抗微真菌软腐蚀和其他土壤中微生物效果的测定
Wood preservatives - determination of the effectiveness against soft rotting micro - fungi and other soil inhabiting micro - organisms 木材防腐剂.防腐剂抗轻腐蚀微生霉菌和其他土壤抑制微生物有效性的测定
Wood preservatives - determination of the effectiveness against soft rotting micro - fungi and other soil inhabiting micro - organisms ; german version env 807 : 2001 木材防腐剂.防霉菌腐烂和其它陆栖微生物效果的测定
mushy or slimy decay of plants caused by bacteria or fungi