There used to be much snapdragon growing on the walls opposite my freshman ' s rooms there , and i had for years taken it as the emblem of my own perpetual residence even unto death in my university 我做一年级生所住的房间对面的墙上,总是长满了金鱼草,我过去曾以为它是一种标帜,表明我将永远住在我的大学里,直到死亡。
Flower cultivation has gained importance in recent years . gladiolus , lily and chrysanthemum are grown all year round ; dahlia , snapdragon and rose in winter ; and ginger lily and lotus flower in summer . peach blossom is grown for the lunar new year 近年种植花卉日趋重要,剑兰、百合和菊花于全年均有种植;冬季主要种植芍药、洋彩雀和玫瑰;夏季会种植姜花和莲花;桃花则于农历新年前销售。
a garden plant of the genus Antirrhinum having showy white or yellow or crimson flowers resembling the face of a dragon
SnapDragon is a contemporary jazz band based in San Antonio, Texas. The group released their debut CD, "Stealing a Moment" on Humbug Records in 2008, and the 10-song CD soon broke the Top 100 in U.