slobberknockers made famous by JR (Jim Ross) in WWE it is used to say some thing big has happened. ; > Well. Jerry, that was a slobberknocker of a match tonight. ;
slobberknocker made famous by JR (Jim Ross) in WWE it is used to say some thing big has happened. ; > Well. Jerry, that was a slobberknocker of a match tonight. ;
He sat silent still caressing tartar, who slobbered with exceeding affection . 他不声不响地坐在那里,不断抚摸着鞑靼,它由于获得超常的爱抚而不淌口水。
Consequently, most of the work was rushed and botched and slobbered over in about half the time that it would have taken to do it properly . 结果,大多数工作就匆匆忙忙、马马虎虎地赶完了事。这些工作如果规规矩矩地做就得多花上一倍的时间。
She paws his sleeve, slobbering . dirty married man 我敢打赌,以一百先令博五先令。
You slobbered all over me on the news line new york 你却在纽约新闻热线里对我表现得如此露骨。
She paws his sleeve, slobbering 她哽咽着,爱抚他的袖子。
Baby has slobbered his bib 婴儿已经把围兜弄湿了。
slobbers his food, i suppose 他必是一边吃一边洒。
Don't waste you slobber any more 别白费唇舌了。
Doreen piggot : i didn't say you touched her i said you slobbered on her 多琳?佩格特:我不是说你摸她,而是垂涎她!
I don't like watching animals eat, the always slobber over the food so much 我不喜欢看动物吃东西,它们看见食物总是涎水肆流。