

  • 鬼鬼祟祟的
  • 美观的
  • 苗条的



  • 例句与用法
  • Or i disappear again , and i take your slinky with me
  • See the slinky one with the eyebrows ? that ' s me - if you don ' t mind
    看到那位体态妖娆的了吗,眉毛上有卷发的?那是我的? ?要是你们不介意的话
  • See the slinky one with the eyebrows ? that ' s me - if you don ' t mind ,
    看到那位体态妖娆的了吗,眉毛上有卷发的?那是我的? ?要是你们不介意的话
  • S , such as slinky stilettos , hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body
  • Today ' s fashions , such as slinky stilettos , hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body
  • Today ' s fashions , such as slinky stilettos , skin - tight hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body
  • Today ' s fashions , such as slinky stilettos , skin - tight hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body
  • Our products gets a great reputation from the users with its best quality , low price , slinky sculpt and perfect service . it is well sold to everywhere in the country and abroad , some of our products have been passed by ce testing , and our company have been passed by iso9001 testing
  • Expert system is mainly used to analyzing the result of the silicon content prediction anns and giving blast operators some reasonable operating guidance which can insure the silicon content is in a certain range . in order to make the communication between the operators and software , a slinky and appropriate interface was also developed
  • Contrasted to the single - layer reticulate dome , suspendome has the characteristic of high rigidity , good stability and light weight etc , contrasted to the double - layer reticulate dome , it has the characteristic of novel structure type , slinky figure and saving space etc . it can span a larger space economically , reasonably and graciously
  • 百科解释
Slinky is a helical spring that stretches and can bounce up and down. It can perform a number of tricks, including traveling down a flight of steps end-over-end as it stretches and re-forms itself with the aid of gravity and its own momentum.
  • 其他语种释义
  • slinkyとは意味slínk? y adj. [-i] 【形】(-er型)

    1 こそこそした,人目を忍ぶ.

  • 推荐英语阅读
slinky的中文翻译,slinky是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译slinky,slinky的中文意思,slinky的中文slinky in Chineseslinky的中文slinky怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
