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用"sligo"造句"sligo"怎么读"sligo" in a sentence


  • 斯莱戈
  • 斯来哥
  • 斯利哥


  • The most vulnerable point too of tender achilles , your god was a jew , because mostly they appeared to imagine he came from carrick - on - shannon or somewhere about in the county sligo
  • The van of the procession appears headed by john howard parnell , city marshal , in a chessboard tabard , the athlone poursuivant and ulster king of arms . they are followed by the right honourable joseph hutchinson , lord mayor of dublin , the lord mayor of cork , their worships the mayors of limerick , galway , sligo and watedord , twentyeight irish representative peers , sirdars , grandees and maharajahs bearing the cloth of estate , the dublin metropolitan fire brigade , the chapter of the saints of finance in their plutocratic order of precedence , the bishop of down and connor his eminence michael cardinal logue archbishop of armagh , primate of all ireland , his grace , the most reverend dr william alexander archbishop of armagh , primate of all ireland , the chief rabbi , the presbyterian moderator , the heads of the baptist , anabaptist , methodist and moravian chapels and the honorary secretary of the society of friends
    跟在后面的是都柏林市市长阁下约瑟夫哈钦森208科克市市长阁下利默里克戈尔韦斯莱戈和沃特福德等市的市长阁下,二十八位爱尔兰贵族代表209 ,印度的达宫贵人们,西班牙的大公们,佩带着宝座饰布的印度大君,都柏林首都消防队,按照资财顺序排列的一群财界圣徒,唐郡兼康纳主教210全爱尔兰首席阿马大主教红衣主教迈克尔洛格阁下,全爱尔兰首席阿大主教神学博士威廉亚历山大阁下,犹太教教长长老派教会大会主席,浸礼会再浸礼会卫理公会以及弟兄会首脑,还有公谊会的名誉干事。
  • And , says mr dixon , if ever he got scent of a cattleraider in roscommon or the wilds of connemara or a husbandman in sligo that was sowing as much as a handful of mustard or a bag of rapeseed out he run amok over half the countryside rooting up with his horns whatever was planted and all by lord harry s orders
    “因此, ”迪克森先生曰, “只要风闻罗斯康芒或康尼马拉原野上有盗牲畜者,抑或斯莱戈135农夫播种一把芥籽或一袋菜籽,彼即奉哈利王御旨,跑遍半壁乡村,用犄角将所种之物连根掘起。 ”
  • The ifi is required to spend approximately three - quarters of its resources in northern ireland and one quarter in the southern border counties donegal , sligo , leitrim , cavan , monaghan and louth . the fund operates a range of programmes and the bulk of its resources are directed towards projects in disadvantaged areas
    根据它的成立协议, ifi必须把近四分之三的资源用于北爱尔兰,四分之一的资源用于南部边界各郡( donegal , sligo , leitrim , cavan , monaghan和louth ) 。基金会运营广泛的工程建设,其中大量资源用于落后地区的工程建设。
  • The scenes depicted on the emunctory field , showing our ancient duns and raths and cromlechs and grianauns and seats of learning and maledictive stones , are as wonderfully beautiful and the pigments as delicate as when the sligo illuminators gave free rein to their artistic fantasy long long ago in the time of the barmecides . glendalough , the lovely lakes of killarney , the ruins of clonmacnois , cong abbey , glen inagh and the twelve pins , ireland s eye , the green hills of tallaght , croagh patrick , the brewery of messrs arthur guinness , son and company limited , lough neagh s banks , the vale of ovoca , isolde s tower , the mapas obelisk , sir patrick dun s hospital , cape clear , the glen of aherlow , lynch s castle , the scotch house , rathdown union workhouse at loughlinstown , tullamore jail , castleconnel rapids , kilballymacshonakill , the cross at monasterboice , jury s hotel , s . patrick s purgatory , the salmon leap , maynooth college refectory , curley s hole , the three birthplaces of the first duke of wellington , the rock of cashel , the bog of allen , the henry street warehouse , fingal s cave - all these moving scenes are still there for us today rendered more beautiful still by the waters of sorrow which have passed over them and by the rich incrustations of time
    二湖谷,基拉尼那些可爱的湖泊,克朗麦克诺伊斯487的废墟,康大寺院,衣纳格峡谷和十二山丘,爱尔兰之眼488 ,塔拉特的绿色丘陵,克罗阿帕特里克山489 ,阿瑟吉尼斯父子股份有限公司的酿酒厂,拉夫尼格湖畔,奥沃卡峡谷490 ,伊索德塔,玛帕斯方尖塔491 ,圣帕特里克邓恩爵士医院492 ,克利尔岬角,阿赫尔罗峡谷493 ,林奇城堡,苏格兰屋,拉夫林斯顿的拉思唐联合贫民习艺所494 ,图拉莫尔监狱,卡斯尔克尼尔瀑布, 495市镇树林约翰之子教堂496 ,莫纳斯特尔勃衣斯的十字架,朱里饭店,圣帕特里克的炼狱, 497鲑鱼飞跃,梅努斯学院饭厅,柯利洞穴, 498第一任威灵顿公爵的三个诞生地,卡舍尔岩石, 499艾伦沼泽,亨利街批发庄,芬戈尔洞500所有这一切动人的501情景今天依然为我们而存在。
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