This elevator can go sideways , longways , slantways 这是一部能向左向右斜的向任意方向的电梯
Ii ) energies of the sputtered atoms vary mainly from several to several teens ev , with few atoms " energy relatively high ; the emitting positions of the sputtered atoms are close to the corresponding incident ions ( in the order of angstrom ) ; the sputtered atoms are emitted mainly normally , and few are slantways ; energy and angular distributions of sputtered atoms are influenced by the energies and incident directions of incident ions , but the angular distributions are not influenced by the incident energy very greatly Ii )溅射原子的能量一般集中在几个到十几个电子伏特的范围内,在高能量区域也有所分布,但数量很少;溅射原子的出射位置就在离子入射位置的附近(埃数量级) ;溅射原子的角度在垂直方向和斜射方向都有所分布,但以垂直出射为主;溅射原子的能量、角度分布受到了入射离子能量、角度的影响,但入射离子能量对溅射原子的出射角影响不大。
at a slant; moving or directed in a slantwise position or direction 同义词:slantwise, slantwise,
at a slant; moving or directed in a slantwise position or direction 同义词:slantwise, slantwise,