Africa, are you aware that you have sired a revolutionary genius ? 阿非利加,你儿子是个非凡的天才,你知道不知道?
It even suggested there might be a compensation for the intolerable ennui of surviving his genial sire . 他甚至觉得,随着慈祥的父亲的辞世而到来的无法容忍的厌倦,现在可以得到补救了。
The fierce warrior brychen who sired twelve sons and twenty-four daughters and savagely put down all attacks on his kingdom . 凶猛的勇士布赖欣生了十二个儿子和二十四个女儿,他勇猛地粉碎了对王国所有的进攻。
In 1914, the spirit of the french army and nation, burning from sire to son since 1870, was vehemently offensive . 在1914年,法国军队和法国人民,由于怀着从1870年以来历代相传的复仇怒火,而富于激烈的进攻精神。
And your ancestor, having sired this evil creature 你的祖先,这个邪恶生灵的父亲
"it is probable, sire, " replied villefort “这是可能的,陛下,”维尔福回答。
The mountaineers are bonapartists, sire . 那些山民都是拿破仑党分子,陛下。”
And your ancestor, having sired this evil creature . . 你的祖先,这个邪恶生灵的父亲…