He took his pleasures in general singly . 他一向自命清高,孤芳自赏。
These four causes do not operate singly . 这四个原因并不单个起作用。
Do you teach your students singly or in groups ? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
Troubles rarely come singly . 祸不单行。
These various distinguished individuals came and went, singly as a rule . 这些著名人物照例是独来独往。
When sorrows come, they come not singly but in battalions . 当悲痛的事降临时,总不会单行,它们是接踵而来。
The holy strain arose singly on the breathing silence of the wilderness . 只有那圣洁的旋律在荒野和孤寂中时起时落的宁静中荡漾。
More enterprising dancers, singly or in couples, frequently broke into brief improvisations . 更富于想象力的舞蹈者常突然独自或成对作短暂的即兴舞。
No white-haired man was there now; but the three men were there who had gone out of the wine-shop singly . 现在在那里面的并不是白发老人,而是曾经从酒铺里一个跟一个退出去的那三个人。
Photoflash'bulbs which usually have a duration of about 20 milliseconds above half peak intensity can be used either singly or flashed in sequence . 光强能在大约20毫秒持续时间内保持在半峰值以上的闪光灯,既可用于单次闪光,也可用于连续闪光。
Singly is a commune in the Ardennes department in northern France.
singlyとは意味:{副} : 一つずつ、一つ一つ、一人ずつ、個々に、単独に、独力で Troubles never come singly. 《諺》不幸は重なるもの。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】si'ηgli、【分節】sin?gly