Flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy deeloped to help find and remoe precancerous growths 发明可弯曲乙状结肠镜和结肠镜以发现和切除癌前增生病变
More importantly , our study proved the safety and sensitivity of colonoscopy over conventional screening tests like fecal occult blood test or sigmoidoscopy in chinese populations 研究的结果同时确定结肠内视镜比传统的普查方法如大便潜血化验、或乙状结肠镜检查更为灵敏,也安全准确,适用于华人结肠癌的普查方法。
visual examination (with a sigmoidoscope) of the lower third of the colon in a search for polyps 同义词:flexible sigmoidoscopy,