Don ' t we have some boudreaus down in shreveport ? - no 我们在什里夫波特市有叫boudreaus的吗?没有
- don ' t we have some boudreaus down in shreveport ? - no 我们在什里夫波特市有叫boudreaus的吗?没有
Going back to the restoration of shreveport , i think i mentioned we were in allendale community 其实是什里夫波特城的一部份,是?郊地区。我们前往的地点就是
He met my mother at tri - state hospital in shreveport , louisiana , in 1943 , when she was training to be a nurse 1943年,父亲在路易斯安那州施里夫波特的三州医院遇见了我母亲。那时她正在医院参加培训,准备当护士。
She enjoys having a good time and when she was flying home from her trip from shreveport , louisiana , she decided to have some fun 大家可能不知道,内子非常贪玩,她常常找寻乐趣从什里夫波特回来的途中,她想嬉戏一下。
As many of you know i have just returned from a trip to shreveport , louisiana , to assist in a house build partnering with the fuller center for housing , and habitat for humanity 因为这个社区已经奄奄一息几年了,区里有好些弃置房屋,都被改建为收容所,像我们要建造的。我们实在是为神的国度进行重建。
Rolling ' s name first came to the attention of investigators because he was suspect in the similar mutilation slayings of three people back in shreveport ( he later confessed , but was never prosecuted ) 罗林的名字首先进入调查组的视线是因为他在返回什里夫波特后以相似的手段残杀了另外3人(他后来供认了这一罪行,但是没有被因此而起诉) 。
I don t think it s any coincidence that my scripture verse was assigned to me a couple of weeks ago , it just happened to fit in with this project of restoration and renewal in shreveport . i really believe that is the way god works 我想邀请一些人站起来,她们也许不认得现在的我我要快快穿上过去这星期的装束,然后我要邀请我的伙伴,我们的一群姊妹,请她们站起来。
This place has been empty for about the last ten years and it is only under rebuilding through some wonderful people from the local churches and from the shreveport bossier community renewal , this city has started to rebuild . so we were in what was once a very , very dangerous place 我们当时身在那里当然,不再危险,他们早被驱走,但那居住环境是危险的水道不通,没有电力供应,没自来水,房子脱离了地基有的因煤气喉爆炸而被烧毁。