A few earthworms have been reported from the south shetland islands in antarctica . 少数蚯蚓曾发现于南极洲的南塞得兰岛。
He was looking very splendid in brown shetland shorts, a navyblue jersey, white shirt, and striped necktie . 他穿着一条棕色的谢德兰短裤,一件深蓝色的织衫,白衬衫系着条纹领带,样子非常漂亮。
By a mr . peter guinman of shetlands , scotland 彼特桂曼的先生在巴黎租的
Or a shetland pony or something . - bring strabo , oz 或是一匹雪特兰矮种马什么的带strao来,奥兹
- or a shetland pony or something . - bring strabo , oz 或是一匹雪特兰矮种马什么的带strao来,奥兹
Shetland sheepdog club 喜乐蒂俱乐部
The shetland sheepdog is a small , alert , rough - coated , longhaired working dog 喜乐蒂牧羊犬是一种小型的、警惕的、粗毛型的长毛工作犬。
We rode shetland ponies instead of horses . it was funny , my mom used to say 我们比赛的时候骑的不是普通马,而是设得兰的矮种马。那真是有趣,我妈妈常说:
A fine yarn made from the wool of sheep raised in the shetland islands and used for knitting and weaving 设得兰毛线系由在设得兰群岛饲养的羊的羊毛制成的精制毛线,用于针织和编织衣物
Few places have preserved the past like shetland , where remains of settlements dating from the stone age endure 没有什么地方像设得兰群岛那样完好地保存着过去,在那里还可以看到石器时代留下的部落遗迹。