A few shanties sprawl in the weeds . 杂草丛中零零落落地歪着几所棚屋。
She looked doubtfully at him, at the low shanty . 她犹豫不定地看着他,看着那间矮棚屋。
A few days ago i was talking with an old couple that lives next door in the log shanty . 前几天,我跟住在隔壁木房子里的老夫妻俩聊天儿。
She walked east along van buren street through a region of lessening importance, until it deteriorated into a mass of shanties and coal-yards . 她顺着凡布仑街朝东走,经过一个不太热闹的区域,后来变成大批的矮屋和煤栈。
There they huddle, migrants in the favelas and barrios of latin america, in shanty towns in africa, in those horrifying encampments one sees on the outskirts of calcutta and bombay . 在那里,他们作为移民拥挤在拉丁美洲的贫民窟和城市的郊外,在非洲简陋的村镇里,在一些你可以在加尔各答和孟买郊区看到的那些可怕的难民营里。
The soldier rigged up a shanty for a night's rest 士兵们临时胡乱搭起了一间小屋过夜。
shantiesとは意味:{1-名} : 掘っ立て小屋 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {1-形} : 見えっぱりな、気取った◆【同】jaunty ; showy I couldn't understand why she wanted to marry that man when anyone...