If you shad tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars 如果你因为失去了太阳而泣泪,那么你也将失去群星。
Why ask if shad do it *更别问鲱鱼了*
Anaesthetic effects of ms-222, clove oil and benzocaine on cultured american shad alosa sapidissima finglings 苯唑卡因对养殖美洲鲥幼鱼的麻醉效果
But not until 1981, the reaching of shad-johnson agreement removed totally the legislating obstacle of stock future transactions 但直到1981年,《夏德??约翰逊协议》的达成才最终消除了股指期货合约交易的推出的法律(监管体制)障碍。
And now, dear lady, i am not writing-ou a new command 5030409445 t one we have shad from the beginning . i ask that we love one another 5太太沸、我现在劝你、我们大家要彼此相爱这并不是我写一条新命令番鸠a、乃是我们从起初所受的命令。
[br ] all ancillary operations not specifically listed and all pre-requisites associated with good construction practice by an experienced contractor shall be deemed to be included in the scope of the work and shad not subsequently be itemized and measured or priced separately either by way of additional items or by direct reimbursement ( such as day-work ) 没有具体列出的所有辅助工作,以及一个有经验承包商的良好施工所需的所有必要条件都应视为包括在工程范围之内,并且不应在以后通过增加项目或直接偿还(如日-工)而单独列出、计量或定价。
All ancillary operations not specifically listed and all pre-requisites associated with good construction practice by an experienced contractor shall be deemed to be included in the scope of the work and shad not subsequently be itemized and measured or priced separately either by way of additional items or by direct reimbursement ( such as day-work ) 没有具体列出的所有辅助工作,以及一个有经验承包商的良好施工所需的所有必要条件都应视为包括在工程范围之内,并且不应在以后通过增加项目或直接偿还(如日-工)而单独列出、计量或定价。