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用"sfq"造句"sfq"怎么读"sfq" in a sentence


  • 性功能调查问卷


  • Looking to buy rohde & schwarz sfq immediately
    急购罗德施瓦茨公司的sfq !
  • Stochastic fairness queuing ( sfq ) cannot limit traffic at all . its main idea is to equalize traffic flows ( tcp sessions or udp streams ) when your link is completely full
    随机公平队列( sfq )不能限制流量。它的主旨是在连接满载时平均流量( tcp过程或udp流) 。
  • And frequency of rsfq circuits is limited by this effects ; ( 3 ) a systemic studies of characteristics of parameters on sfq transmission are performed , such as transmission time and voltage height
    ( 3 )对jtl的各种参数对其传输特性,如时延及sfq脉冲电压幅度等,进行了系统的研究。
  • Rsfq ( rapid - single - flux - quantum ) logic family is a new type of technology in superconducting digital circuits , in which the information is carried in the presence or absence of sfq voltage pulses generated by damped josephson junctions
    超导快单磁通量子rsfq ( rapidsinglefluxquantum )电路是一种新型超导数字电子技术,它通过磁通量子化了的电压脉冲的有、无,来表示二进制信息。
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