- n. <口>极富性感的女性( sexpot的名词复数 ); 易激起他人性欲的女人; 性活动活跃的人; 性欲旺盛的人
- sexps [网络] 节点
- sexplosions abbr. sexual explosion 性爆发 ; (sexplosion 的复数)
- sexsational [网络] 性别
- sexplosion abbr. sexual explosion 性爆发
- sexship [网络] 性别
- sexplorers A male/female that is completely open to, and seeks out, new sexual experiences. A term that is often giving to someone that's "done it all" ; > "Sure, I've tried anal before! You might say I'm a bit of a sexplorer." ;
- sexships [网络] 性别
- sexplorer A male/female that is completely open to, and seeks out, new sexual experiences. A term that is often giving to someone that's "done it all" ; > "Sure, I've tried anal before! You might say I'm a bit of a sexplorer." ;