sequence n. 1.继续;接续;连续。 2.顺序;程序;次第;关系;关联。 3.后果;结果;接着发生的事;后事;后文。 4.【数学】数列;序列;数贯。 5.【无、计】指令序列;定序。 6.【计算机】顺序机〔将信息项目排成顺序的机器〕。 7.【音乐】用不同音调反复演奏一组乐句。 8.【天主教】宣讲福音前唱的圣歌。 9.【牌戏】顺。 10.【电影】(描述同一主题的)连续镜头;片断,插曲;场景。 a logical sequence 条理;逻辑顺序。 a causal [physical] sequence 因果关系。 the natural sequence to [for] folly 愚笨行为的必然结果。 in rapid sequence 一个接着一个;紧接着。 in regular sequence 挨次;按次序;逐一;有条不紊地。 in sequence 挨次;顺次;逐一。 sequence of tenses 【语法】时态的配合[接续,呼应]。
3 characters of its sequences in the cardamine pcr technique was used to amplify its and the product was directly to be sequenced with two ways sequencing primers on sequenator 3碎米属植物的ts序列特征采用pcr扩增,混合扩增产物在自动测序仪上双向引物直接测序,测定了碎米荞属( ca厂内。
(chemistry) an apparatus that can determine the sequence of monomers in a polymer 同义词:sequencer,