I am not absolutely such a fool and sensualist as to regret the absence of a carpet, a sofa, and silver plate . 我决不是一个因为缺少地毯、沙发和银盘就感到懊恼的傻瓜和追求物质享受的人。
On the modern characteristics of neo - sensualist fiction 论新感觉派小说
On the lyricism of neo - sensualist novels 论新感觉派小说的抒情性
A wandering life - homeless in mu shi - ying ' s neo - sensualist novels 论穆时英新感觉派小说中家的缺失
I am not absolutely such a fool and sensualist as to regret the absence of a carpet , a sofa , and silver plate ; besides , five weeks ago i had nothing - i was an outcast , a beggar , a vagrant ; now i have acquaintance , a home , a business 我绝不是这样一个傻瓜和享乐主义者,居然对缺少地毯沙发银盘而懊悔不已。更何况五周前我一无所有我当时是一个弃儿一个乞丐一个流浪者。现在我有了熟人,有了家,有了工作。