When we allow the press to report without attribution, we permit the more sensationalist members to add their own special twist . 如果我们准许报界报导来源不明的消息,无异我们在允许喜欢耸人听闻的人从事歪曲报导。
Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims 也许在做出这种耸人听闻的声明之前你应该记住这一点
This is a difficult subject to breach as i ' m not a fan of sensationalist journalism 对我来说很难违背自己的原则,因为我不是一个“三八”的人。
Naturally , chang was also influenced by the sensationalist violence of western and japanese cinema , especially the samurai films of kurosawa akira and gosya hideo 张彻武侠则继承史记刺客三国勇将水浒绿林那种写实的血肉传统,当然亦受西方及日本的实感动作片影响,尤其是日本黑泽明和五社英雄的剑侠片。
someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in order to gain public attention 同义词:ballyhoo artist,