2 . designing a authentication algorithm based on self - embedded watermarking , for needs of electrionic authentication 针对应用于电子证据等场合的实际需要,设计了基于自嵌入水印的认证算法。
This method has many advantages compared to the latter and is testified by many images . ( 2 ) because fractal coding has the characteristic of high compression ratio , this thesis designed a spatial self - embedding watermarking technique . after self - embedding , it can detect any changes to a watermarked image as well as localizing the areas that have been tampered ( 2 )鉴于分形图像压缩具有很高的压缩比且重构图像效果好的优点,本文利用分形压缩实现了一种空域自嵌入水印算法,不但能对篡改区域进行有效定位,而且具有修复功能。
If possible try to recover portions of the image that have been tampered without accessing the original image . in the past , several techniques and concepts based on data hiding or steganography have been introduced as a means for tamper detection in digital images and for image authentication - fragile watermarks , semi - fragile watermarks , and self - embedding watermarks . the research of this thesis mainly includes self - embedding and semi - fragile watermarks 目前用于数字图像完整性验证及自修复的数字水印方案主要有完全脆弱性水印、半脆弱性水印、自嵌入水印等,本文主要研究自嵌入及半脆弱数字水印,分别从空域及变换域角度详细分析当前国内外现有的各种算法,指出其不足之处,并提出了相应的改进算法,实验结果表明本文算法的有效性与实用性。
We propose several watermarking techniques after analyzing other watermarking methods detailedly . the main contributions can be summarized as following : ( 1 ) based on previous work , we proposed an improved spatial self - embedding watermarking technique . we save the quantized dct coefficients using group encoding while not using bit matrix which restricts saving bit length of each dct coefficient 本文的创新之处总结如下: ( 1 )提出了一种改进的具有修复功能的空域自嵌入水印算法,利用分组编码保存量化后的dct系数,改善了修复效果,克服了以往使用位图矩阵的不足,具有通用性与实用性。
It is also possible to recover portions of the image which have been tampered . experiments on real images verify the effectiveness of the proposed technique . ( 3 ) since the current self - embedding watermarking techniques are too fragile to resist noise or jpeg compression , we proposed a self - embedding method based on jpeg images which plays an important role in current internet environment ( 3 )由于现有的空域自嵌入水印算法大多数是对位图图像嵌入水印,在抗jpeg压缩方面显得过于脆弱,因此本文实现了一种直接对jpeg图像进行自嵌入的数字水印算法,具有检测篡改及修复功能,对于当今网络时代来讲具有重要意义。