Are there other forces that influence demand ( e . g . seasonality ) 有没有其他影响需求的因素(如季节性) ?
Seasonality in the exchange fund 外汇基金的季节性变化
The interpretation of the ingenuous structure of seasonality of quot; bian cheng quot 独具匠心的时间性布局结构解读
Loss on seasonality cessation 季节性停工损失
Showed a distinct seasonality . both abiotic and biotic factors were also found to influence the growth of the seagrass species 而生物性及非生物性的因素也被发现会影响海草的成长。
In chapter four , the author studies the temporal characteristics of domestic tourist flows in sanya city , laying emphasize on the tourist seasonality 第四章研究了三亚市旅游客流的时间特性,其中以客流季节性研究为重点。
" descriptive analysis of surveillance data for all invasive hib infection cases notified in 1997 - 2003 was performed with respect to age gender seasonality geography and death 患侵入性流感嗜血杆菌b型感染的病例共有185例? 37例为0 - 4岁的儿童。
Results : upon review of the evidence , it appears that levels of physical activity vary with seasonality , and the ensuing effect of poor or extreme weather has been identified as a barrier to participation in physical activity among various populations 结果:经文献回顾后,生理状况因季节而异,而极端之气候将对使奇对族群之生理活动评估产生阻碍。
The seasonal kendall test overcomes a number of problems that can commonly skew the results of long - term studies , such as non - normal data , missing values , seasonality and serial dependence where data is dependent on other data 这种方法可克服多种分析长期性数据所出现的问题,例如不正常数据数值缺失季节变化和数据相依某类数据依赖其他数据等因素。
In both selective demand advertising and primary demand advertising , it is necessary to use the information gleaned from your previous situation analysis and research such as the product category ' s seasonality and regional use 在选择性的需求广告和主要的需求广告中,很有必要去运用那些根据你以往经验分析和研究所得的信息,像产品类别的季节性和地域性运用。
In statistics, many time series exhibit cyclic variation known as seasonality, seasonal variation, periodic variation, or periodic fluctuations. This variation can be either regular or semi-regular.