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  • The top contenders that lost out are the acropolis in athens , greece , the stonehenge in britain , angkor vat in cambodia , the statues on easter island and the eiffel tower in paris
  • For years , tourists to the acropolis have been frustrated to find ancient monuments shrouded in scaffolding , thanks to a long and painstaking restoration project . now , an end is in sight
  • " it ' s going to be a great games . . . everything here , the ruins , it ' s an amazing place to be , there is so much history here , " lewis told greek ert television
    刘易斯在接受希腊ert电视台采访时说: “雅典奥运会将是一个伟大的赛事,这里的每一件事物,特别是雅典卫城遗址让我觉得雅典是一个非常让人惊讶的地方,这儿有这么悠久的历史。 ”
  • It consisted of a solemn procession to the acropolis in which a peplos was carried to the goddess , for she had once saved the city , gaining victory over the nation of poseidon , that is , the atlanteans
  • Illustrating the civilizations , myths and religions that flourished in greece over a period of more than 1 , 000 years , the acropolis , the site of four of the greatest masterpieces of classical greek art the parthenon , the propylaea , the erechtheum and the temple of athena nike can be seen as symbolizing the idea of world heritage
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