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  • Bryant : " he ' s got to get healthy , man . he ' s got to get healthy . i feel bad for him , because there ' s been so much hype about him coming here .
    科比说: “伙计,他越来越健康了,越来越健康了。我都有点嫉妒他了,为了他的到来,广告简直铺天盖地。 ”
  • In march , you can enjoy the pure - white blossoms in the boundless forest of pear trees . while , autumn is the harvest season for golden - thread dates
  • 《 forever 》 i stand alone in the darkness the winter of my life came so fast memories go back to childhood to days i still recall oh how happy i was then
    意译: 《永远》独自伫立在凄冷的夜生命的寒冬铺天盖地的来童年的回忆充满馨香至今让我难忘怀噢
  • As the dollar has fallen over the past few years , reports of the diversification of holdings of us dollar assets by non - us investors have been rampant
  • Obituaries of the man who has led cuba for nearly half a century were hastily dusted down and commentators began speculating about “ cuba after fidel ”
    于是,关于这位古巴近半个世纪的领导的死亡讣告开始铺天盖地,评论员也开始推测“菲德尔走后的古巴社会” 。
  • In the face of overwhelming evidence , i admit i ' m wrong . trying to justify the chinese msn word blocker is one of the more boneheaded things i ' ve done
  • Acres of newsprint have been devoted to their troubles , even though , at around 4 , 000 families , they represent a small , and still privileged , minority of zimbabwe ' s victims
  • But now that coverage of the war in iraq has redefined " reality television , " how can parents best shield their children from the violent images
    然而,随着目前关于伊拉克战的报道铺天盖地, "记实电视"被赋予了新的定义。家长该怎样将孩子们的视线从暴力画面上移开呢?
  • The information explosion has left many people more confused than ever before as they attempt to keep up with the constant bombardment of facts , statistics , news clips , etc
  • With club football over for the season , the ' papers are full of wild stories linking players you ' ve probably never heard of with just about every team in the country
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