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  • Eurocode 3 . design of steel structures - general rules - supplementary rules for cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting
    欧洲法规3 .钢结构设计.一般规则.冷成形薄标准件和薄板的补充规则
  • Eurocode 3 . design of steel structures . general rules . supplementary rules for cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting
    欧洲法规3 .钢结构设计.一般规则.冷成形的薄尺寸件和薄板材的补充规定
  • Fatigue strength checking computations are carried out for this crane . it is incline to danger when fatigue strength of node board is calculated by pervasion angle in code
  • Abstract : this paper describes the application and prospect on light - weight steel - structured buildings in china , puts forward some suggestions in their design and research
  • Combined steel structure design . it will be designed and set adopting overgroundor underground , inside or outside , closed or unclosed , single or multi - machines
  • In the elasto - plastic analysis , it is proposed that the composite beam arrives at the ultimate limit states of capacity when the stain of the outside edge of the cross - section reaches the ultimate stain
    我国《钢结构设计规范》 ( gbj17 ? 88 )中有关截面承载力的计算基本是沿袭国外的算法,结合我国实际而制订的。
  • The end - plate bolted connections are most calculated and designed as rigid connections in traditional designing , which leads to the significant difference between the calculation result and the real stressed state
  • The national steel structure design code ( gbj17 - 88 ) is not permitted the b / t exceed ( 10 + 0 . 1 ) 235 / fy . the width - thickness ratio of the web ( b / t for short ) exceed the limitation often
    钢结构设计规范( gbj17 - 88 )规定t形截面轴压构件腹板宽厚比不应超过( 10 + 0 . 1 ) ,按国家标准生产的t型钢的腹板宽厚比大多超过限值。
  • In order to estimate or predict the behavior of steel frame correctly , it is necessary to take the nonlinear characteristics of beam - to - column connections into account
    为了合理正确地预测钢框架的实际受力性能,我国新修订的《钢结构设计规范》 gb50017 ,首次在规范条文中提出应在钢框架的分析和设计中考虑真实连接的非线性影响。
  • Considering the impact on the inner force caused by deformation , the analysis based on the inner force of the steel frame structure has been revised in the new edition of code for design of steel structure ( gb 50017 - 2003 )
    为了考虑变形对内力的影响,我国新的《钢结构设计规范》 ( gb50017 - 2003 )对钢框架结构的内力分析进行了修正。
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