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  • By raising the simple and obvious x - y axis segmentation method , the national rural refrigerator market is segmented into three categories , namely , mature , potential and under cultivated markets . meanwhile , according to the investigation of tendency of several urban refrigerator markets , developing theoretical mode of national urban refrigerator market is generally simulated . furthermore , all of the regional markets in our country are divided into three kinds of regions : not - focused - on region , focused - on region and the region suitable for setting up the image of enterprise ' s brand
  • On the fact of vast area and uneven development of economy , our country has adopted a strategy of district tilt , point break and the steps degree push forward and so foreign trade development presents the unbalance condition among the provinces . therefore , to establish a reasonable foreign trade development mode is meaningful to promote the economy to develop
  • It is important for local government to analyze and select government policies systematicly , contingently and integrately in order to improve local government functions on smes and improve local competition capabilities . function emphasis should be conducted according to requirement of smes . great breakthrough should be sought according to main restrict factors in local areas
  • After entry of wto , there are still many maladjustments in guangxi ' s seed industry , such as the weak foundation of sees industry development ; the unformed market of the seed industry for fair competition ; small - scale seed enterprises ; no systematic connection among the cultivation , breeding and marketing ; lower qualification of staff who work in the seed industry and with weak sense of laws , and lack of the knowledge in operating experiences in the international market and trade etc . yet the un - efficiency system , unclear property right in enterprises , the lack of an effective mechanism to promote the rational use of resources in the seed industry and the lack of such concept as " the government creates environment and enterprises create fortune " are the deep - seated causes of the problems in guangxi ' s seed industry . therefore , the key points for promoting development of guangxi ' s seed industry under the wto framework are to focus on the promotion of the developing capability of seeds " integrated products , constantly deepen reforms , to adjust various relevant factors in the system of the seed industry which is inconsistent with each other , and to establish a new - pattern system with evident characteristics of the time spirit in order to meet the requirements of the market economy . hereinto , the specific strategies and measures for promotion of guangxi ' s seed industry development under the wto framework include kee ping up reform and innovation of the system of the seed industry , executing of non - nationalization reform in state - owned seed enterprises , formulating and executing relevant supporting policies , the improving the legal system in the seed industry , increasing public financial support on the seed industry , promoting the integration of cultivation , breeding and marketing , strengthening human resource development , developing the main body of the seed industry ' s market and making proper conditions for the functions of seed associations in the seed industry development etc
    研究结果认为:发展种子产业应该把着眼点放在促进种子整体产品的开发上;种子产业的发展依赖于能充分发挥整体功能的新型种业体系的构建,而目前广西种业体系中的品种选育、种子生产加工、种子经营以及政府管理、公共支持和社会服务六个主要组成部分都存在明显的缺陷与不足;广西种子企业综合竞争力总体处于较弱水平;面对wto ,广西种子产业仍有诸多的不适应,突出表现在产业发展基础薄弱、尚未形成可以公平竞争的种业市场、种子企业规模小、育繁销脱节、种业人才素质不高、种子企业法律意识淡薄、国际市场运作经验和国际贸易知识不足等多个方面,而体制不顺、企业产权不明晰、缺乏促进种业资源合理流动的有效机制以及“政府创造环境,企业创造财富”的正确理念正是导致目前广西种子产业不能适应入世需要的深层次原因;因此,以提升种子整体产品开发能力为核心,不断深化改革,调整种业体系中不相协调的各有关因素,构建起符合市场经济体制要求的具有鲜明时代特征的新型种业体系,是wto框架下加快广西种子产业发展必须坚持的指导思想;其中,加快种业体制改革和创新、实施对国有种子企业的非国有化改造、制订落实有关扶持政策、完善种子法律法规体系、加大公共财政对种子产业的支持力度、推进育繁销一体化的形成、加强人才培养与引进、壮大种业市场主体、实行重点突破战略、发挥种子行业协会作用等等,都是wto框架下加快广西种子产业发展应该采取的具体对策措施。
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