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  • 5 derrida , jacques . writing and difference . london : routledge & kegan paul , 1978 . " metaphysics and violence . " p . 91
    4该论文的发表极大地震动了西方学术界,被视为解构主义诞生的标志,后收录于《书写与差异》 。
  • The profound meaning of deconstruction is researched to china apparel culture through analyzing the international and internal deconstruction fashion
  • Hadid is considered the high priest ofdeconstructivearchitecture . this image shows a simulated aerialview of herproposal for the performing arts centre
  • Abstract : with the development of aesthetics , deconstruction abandons traditional principle of composition , makes use of some theory of haman being " s visual thinking in architecture , and set up a kind of new architecture image
  • From the perspectives of modern deconstructive theory and comparative literature , literary translation has transcended the traditional sphere of foreign literature and translation literature , and has been transformed into chinese literature
  • Two causes can be identified for this : the first cause is external , by which more and more appropriations of post - structuralism and post - modernism from the west have led cultural criticism to the pursuit of an impromptu pleasure , thus making cultural criticism into an intelligent game which is of great fun but not very practical ; the second cause is internal , by which intellectuals have changed their roles from " legislators " to " interpreters " since 1990 ' s , who , on one hand , could not take the responsibility of criticism , and on the other , changed the nature of cultural criticism by bringing a set of ideologies and ideas into it
    形成这种局面的原因有二:越来越多地借用解构主义和后现代主义色彩的理论资源使得文化批评更注重追求一种即时反应的快感,文化批评变成了好看、好玩却不解决实际问题甚至有可能遮蔽实际问题的智力游戏,这是其外部原因; 20世纪90年代以来,知识分子的角色发生了从“立法者”到“阐释者”的转型, “阐释者”一方面无力承担批判的重任,一方面又把相关的一套观念和理念带入文化批评中而使其改变了颜色,这是其内部原因。
  • This paper adopts critical theory of deconstruction which emerged in 1960s to analyze the novel " the old man with big wings " , coming up with the idea that the angel ' s journey to the world not only reveals hypocrisy , cruelty and egoism of the world and the gap between the human - beings and the god , or the virtue , but also deconstructs the logocentrism in the religion , the rational civilization and the ultimate meaning of the traditional metaphysics , and reveals the indeterminacy of the text to make readers get rid of the bounds of time and space , reading the novel from different angles , and reconstructing the text according to the reality
    摘要运用20世纪60年代兴起的解构主义批评手法分析马尔克斯小说《巨翅老人》 ,分析出文本中“天使”的人间之旅不仅是展示人间的虚伪、残酷、自私以及人间与上帝,即人间与美德之间隔膜的过程,更是对传统形而上学中宗教信仰、理性文明以及终极意义里的逻各斯中心主义的消解过程,是揭示不确定因素,使读者摆脱时空界限,从不同角度切入文本,审视文本,根据现实,重构文本的过程。
  • A deconstructionist perspective of translation studies , however , frees itself from the constraints of seeking equivalence of meaning between the original and the translated texts , and , by studying all the manipulating factors in the social - cultural contexts where these texts are read , offers valid explanations for the reasons behind the seemingly unfaithful translational actions of the translators
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