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  • The boys were all eaten up with envy - but those that suffered the bitterest pangs were those who perceived too late that they themselves had contributed to this hated splendor by trading tickets to tom for the wealth he had amassed in selling whitewashing privileges
  • The proliferation of photographic images over the past century - - many of which have achieved a more iconic status than any painting ( which is more telling : a movie still of a napalmed girl in vietnam or picasso ' s guernia
    在过去的一个世纪中,摄影肖像数量剧增,发展迅猛? ?许多摄影肖像已达到令人顶礼膜拜的地步,绘画作品只能自惭形秽(试想,哪一种媒介艺术效果更强烈:是一幅被凝固汽油弹炸伤的越南女孩的影片定格画面,还是毕加索的壁画《格尔尼卡》
  • As such she compared him with herself ; and at every discovery of the abundance of his illuminations , of the distance between her own modest mental standpoint and the unmeasurable , andean altitude of his , she became quite dejected , disheartened from all further effort on her own part whatever
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