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  • We observe a slight variation in the rate of some pulsars , and this is interpreted as indicating that they are being disturbed , by having earth sized planets going round them
  • Planets going round pulsars are unlikely to have life , because any living beings would have been killed , in the supernova explosion that led to the star becoming a pulsar
  • One group is interested in mapping the distribution of hydrogen in the universe , another in the location of pulsars , and yet another is studying the structure of our galaxy , the milky way
  • But , the fact that several pulsars are observed to have planets suggests that a reasonable fraction of the hundred billion stars in our galaxy may also have planets
  • Researchers have previously used a similar method to detect planets near a star utterly unlike the sun ; an ultradense , rapidly spinning object called a pulsar
  • About two years after the discovery of the supernova explosion sn1987a , kristian et al . 1989 claimed to have discovered within this sn1987a a 0 . 5 ms optical pulsar which was disproved about one year later
    在发现sn1987a超新星爆发两年后,基斯坦和他的同僚宣称他们在sn1987a内发现了一颗自转周期为0 . 5毫秒的的脉冲星
  • Three other extrasolar planets believed to be of rocky composition have been reported , but they orbit a pulsar - the flashing corpse of an exploded star - rather than a normal type of star
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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